Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and seekers of the extraordinary,
You are about to embark on a journey through the mind's eye of Visuali Exotica.
What you will witness are not mere sketches, but portals to an upcoming possibility.

Each line a whisper, each shadow a secret. Here, the ordinary transcends, and the impossible takes form.

Prepare yourselves. The boundaries between object and art, function and fantasy, are about to blur.

Welcome to the inception
of Visuali Exotica.

Let your perceptions be challenged,
and your imagination ignited.

The voyage begins now.


Born from the intersection of art, graphic design, and fashion, the Visuali Exotica sketch collection represents a bold reimagining of what a fashion collection can be. Over the course of two intense months, hundreds of sketches flowed from the tips of simple Pentel Felt pink and blue markers, each stroke a step towards redefining the boundaries of creative expression in signature Fabriano Notebooks.

From this prolific outpouring, a select few emerged – chosen not just for their aesthetic appeal, but for their power to challenge, provoke, and inspire. These sketches, with their deceptively simple two-tone palette, blur the lines between disciplines, inviting viewers to question where graphic design ends and fashion begins.

The Visuali Exotica collection is more than just a prelude to fabric and form; it is a statement about the very nature of creativity in our complex world. Each sketch is a window into a vision where everyday objects transform into wearable art, where typography becomes texture, and where cultural symbols merge into new, boundary-pushing silhouettes. In their raw, unrefined state, these sketches capture the pure essence of Visuali Exotica – a Collezione that dares to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, and challenges us all to rethink the very concept of a "collection." This is not just fashion; this is a visual manifesto for a new era of design.

경: 와, 정말 특이하네요. 당신은 어떻게 생각하세요?

방문객: 네, 굉장히 독특해요. 솔직히 좀 혼란스럽기도 해요.

경: (웃으며) 그렇죠? 저도 처음엔 그랬어요. 하지만 자세히 보면 볼수록 매력적이에요.

방문객: 정말요? 저는 아직 잘 모르겠어요.

경: 음, 이렇게 생각해보세요. 이건 단순한 패션이 아니라 살아있는 예술 작품이에요.

방문객: 아, 그렇게 보면... 근데 경님은 이 쪽 전문가신가 봐요?

경: 네, 서울에서 아트 컬렉터로 일하고 있어요.

방문객: 와, 대단하세요! 그럼 영어로 얘기할까요? 제 한국어가 좀 부족해서...

Kyung: (switching to English) Of course, no problem. So, what brings you to Milan Fashion Week?

Visitor: It's my first time, actually. I won a contest to be here. Still trying to wrap my head around it all.

Kyung: (chuckles) Oh, to see it all with fresh eyes again! You know, I've been coming to these events for years, and Visuali Exotica is... refreshing.

Visitor: Really? How so?

Kyung: Well, look at those sketches we just saw. They're not just designs, they're conceptual art. The way they blur the line between everyday objects and “haute couture” ... it's kind of brilliant.

Visitor: I guess I didn't see it that way. I was just confused about why a all of these lines seemed to have no meaning …

Kyung: (laughs) Exactly! That's the point. It makes you question, "What is fashion? what is design? What is art?" It's provocative.

Visitor: The Mystery, ok … sure. So, how does this compare to other shows you've seen this week?

Kyung: (sighs) Honestly? Most have been... safe. Beautiful, yes, but predictable. That's why Visuali Exotica stands out. It's taking risks.

Visitor: I noticed a lot of people looking confused, though.

Kyung: Good! Confusion means they're thinking, questioning. That's what great art does.

Visitor: I guess that makes sense. Oh, by the way, have you tried that weird Mangosteen drink they're serving?

Kyung: (laughs) Oh god, yes. Tastes like perfume mixed with cough syrup, doesn't it? But watch, I bet it'll be the next big thing. That's Milan for you – even the refreshments are a fashion statement.

Visitor: (giggling) I can't believe I'm saying this, but I kind of want another one.

Kyung: Welcome to the fashion world, my dear. Where the bizarre becomes desirable and the uncomfortable becomes coveted. Just wait until you see the full collection. If these sketches are any indication, we're in for quite a ride.

Visitor: I'm nervous and excited at the same time.

Kyung: Perfect! That's exactly how you should feel. Now, let's grab another of those awful-wonderful drinks and get ready for the next part. In this world, you never know what might inspire you.

(Ahmed and the visitor are in a quiet corner during intermission)

Ahmed: (rubbing his eyes) really? (laughs) that’s it? all this …

Visitor: All this?

Ahmed: (gestures around) This circus. The excess, the waste, the... disconnect from reality.

Visitor: (defensive) It's just fashion, isn't it? Art, creativity...

Ahmed: (interrupts) Is it, though? Or is it a distraction? A way for us to feel cultured while ignoring the world burning around us?

Visitor: (taken aback) That's... pretty intense.

Ahmed: (sighs) Sorry. It's just... Do you have any idea what's happening in the world right now? in Ga .. Sudan? But here we are, ooh-ing and aah-ing over fancy sketches.

Visitor: (uncomfortable) I mean, we can care about multiple things at once, can't we?

Ahmed: Can we? Look around. How many people here do you think are thinking about anything beyond the next trend? The next Instagram post?

Visitor: (getting annoyed) So why are you even here then?

Ahmed: (laughs bitterly) Because I'm part of the problem. We all are. I tell myself I'm here to spot talent, to invest in innovation. But really? I'm just another cog in a machine that's destroying the planet one fashion season at a time.

Visitor: (softening) That's... surprisingly self-aware.

Ahmed: Don't give me too much credit. Tomorrow I'll probably be back to justifying it all. It's easier that way.

Visitor: So what, we should just give up? Stop creating beauty in the world?

Ahmed: (pauses) No... maybe not. Maybe we need to redefine what beauty is. Make it about more than just aesthetics. What if we put this much creativity into solving real problems?

Visitor: Like what Visuali Exotica is trying to do with their designs?

Ahmed: (skeptical) Maybe. If they're genuine. But in this industry, it's hard to tell what's genuine innovation and what's just greenwashing.

Visitor: That's a lot to put on a fashion show.

Ahmed: (shrugs) Everything's interconnected these days. We can't pretend our choices don't have consequences anymore.

Visitor: So what do we do?

Ahmed: (thoughtful) We keep questioning. Keep pushing for real change, not just superficial trends. And maybe, just maybe, we start using all this creativity and resources for something that actually matters.

Visitor: (nods) I guess that's a start.

Ahmed: (switches to Arabic) الجمال الحقيقي يأتي من الداخل ومن الأفعال

Visitor: What does that mean?

Ahmed: (with a wry smile) "True beauty comes from within and from actions." Come on, let's go see if Visuali Exotica has any substance behind their style.