[Detto con voce profonda e risonante, con un leggero effetto eco e un accento norvegese]

Behold, the coming of Visuali Exotica, a vision
that transcends the boundaries of time and space.

In the vast desert of conformity, a storm rises - a melding
of the tangible and the ethereal, of human sight and machine dreams.

This is not mere fashion; it is a prescient vision of realities yet to come.

As the melange of minds expands consciousness,
so too does Visuali Exotica expand the very fabric of perception.

Witness as mortal forms are transmuted through the alchemy of artificial intelligence,
their images warped and woven into tapestries of impossible beauty.

A vision of love that never existed, doesn’t exist … or does it?

Behold azure blue and crimson purple haze seas,
not of water, but of light and shadow.

In these cosmic hues, the avatars of a new age take form.
They are the Kwisatz Haderach of style, bridging the gap between what is and what could be.

Garments flow like the sands of Abu Dhabi,
flowing with the laws of the ancient worlds of karousan.

Accessories born of dreams challenge the very concept of functionality.

Each image is a portent, a glimpse into a universe where the lines between
reality and virtuality have been erased by the hands of unseen oracles.

Ce n’est pas de la folie, mais une nouvelle raison
pour une époque qui n’est pas encore arrivée.

It is a visual quest against the tyranny of the expected,
an expedition of pixels and imagination.

To view Visuali Exotica is to peer into the eyes of the future.
It is to stand at the edge of human potential and take
a leap into the void of infinite possibility.

The sleeper has awakened, and its dreams
are clad in the visions of Visuali Exotica.

allora aesthetica,
Bienvenue dans notre universe.

[La voix s'estompe avec un écho réverbérant]

Sofia: "Psst, Giulia!
Hai visto chi c'è in terza fila? La ex di Caesar Antonio!"

Giulia: "No! Davvero? Che faccia tosta presentarsi qui!"

Sofia: "Lo so! E hai sentito dell'ultima collezione di Marco? Un disastro totale, tesoro."

Giulia: "oohhh, sì! Dicono che il suo assistente abbia fatto tutto all'ultimo minuto."

Sofia: "Che scandalo! Oh, e quella è la nuova musa di Visuali Exotica? Che look assurdo!"

Giulia: "Assurdo sì, ma in modo geniale! Adoro come osano sperimentare."

Sofia: "Vero! Oh, e sai cosa ho sentito su-"

Voce femminile dall'indietro: "Care mie, che delizia sentire un così... vivace scambio culturale. Tuttavia, forse potreste continuare questo affascinante simposio durante l'aperitivo? Alcuni di noi preferirebbero concentrarsi sulle... come dire... sfumature più sottili dell'arte che sta per svolgersi."

Sofia e Giulia: (sussurrando) "Ci Scusi!"