[Detto con voce profonda e risonante, con un leggero effetto eco e un accento norvegese]

Visuali Exotica incarna lo spirito dell'innovazione senza confini. Questa collezione fonde l'arte, la tecnologia e la moda in un'espressione audace del futuro globale. Ispirata dalle diverse culture del mondo, ogni pezzo racconta una storia di creatività senza limiti, sfidando le convenzioni
e ridefinendo il possibile. Visuali Exotica non è solo moda; è una visione di un mondo unito attraverso il design.

비주얼리 엑조티카는 무한한 혁신의 정신을 구현합니다. 이 컬렉션은 예술, 기술, 패션을 융합하여 글로벌 미래에 대한 대담한 표현을 만들어냅니다. 세계의 다양한 문화에서 영감을 받아 각 작품은 무한한 창의성의 이야기를 들려주며, 관습에 도전하고 가능성을 재정의합니다. 비주얼리 엑조티카는 단순한 패션이 아닙니다; 디자인을 통해 하나로 연결된 세상의 비전입니다.

Visuali Exotica incarne l'esprit de l'innovation sans frontières. Cette collection fusionne l'art, la technologie et la mode en une expression audacieuse de l'avenir global. Inspirée par les diverses cultures du monde, chaque pièce raconte une histoire de créativité sans limites, défiant les conventions et redéfinissant le possible. Visuali Exotica n'est pas seulement de la mode ; c'est une vision d'un monde uni par le design.

Visuali Exotica embodies the spirit of boundless innovation. This collection merges art, technology, and fashion into a bold expression of the global future. Inspired by the world's diverse cultures, each piece tells a story of limitless creativity, challenging conventions and redefining what's possible. Visuali Exotica is not just fashion; it's a vision of a world united through design.

تجسد فيزوالي إكزوتيكا روح الابتكار بلا حدود. تدمج هذه المجموعة الفن والتكنولوجيا والأزياء في تعبير جريء عن المستقبل العالمي. مستوحاة من ثقافات العالم المتنوعة، تروي كل قطعة قصة إبداع لا حدود له، متحدية الأعراف ومعيدة تعريف ما هو ممكن. فيزوالي إكزوتيكا ليست مجرد أزياء؛ إنها رؤية لعالم موحد من خلال التصميم.


วิชวลลี เอ็กซอติก้า เป็นตัวแทนของจิตวิญญาณแห่งนวัตกรรมที่ไร้ขอบเขต คอลเลกชั่นนี้ผสมผสานศิลปะ
เทคโนโลยี และแฟชั่นเข้าด้วยกันเป็นการแสดงออกอัน大胆กล้าถึงอนาคตของโลก แรงบันดาลใจจากวัฒนธรรมอันหลากหลายของโลก
แต่ละชิ้นเล่าเรื่องราวของความคิดสร้างสรรค์ที่ไร้ขีดจำกัด ท้าทายขนบธรรมเนียม และนิยามใหม่ถึงสิ่งที่เป็นไปได้ วิชวลลี เอ็กซอติก้า ไม่ใช่แค่แฟชั่น แต่เป็นวิสัยทัศน์ของโลกที่เป็นหนึ่งเดียวกันผ่านการออกแบบ

Visuali Exotica encarna el espíritu de la innovación sin límites. Esta colección fusiona arte, tecnología y moda en una audaz expresión del futuro global. Inspirada en las diversas culturas del mundo, cada pieza cuenta una historia de creatividad ilimitada, desafiando las convenciones y redefiniendo lo posible. Visuali Exotica no es solo moda; es una visión de un mundo unido a través del diseño.

Visuali Exotica enkorpigas la spiriton de senlima novigo. Ĉi tiu kolekto kunfandas arton, teknologion kaj modon en aŭdaca esprimo de la tutmonda estonteco. Inspirita de la diversaj kulturoj de la mondo, ĉiu peco rakontas historion de senlima kreemo, defiante konvenciojn
kaj redifinante la eblon. Visuali Exotica ne estas nur modo; ĝi estas vizio de mondo unuigita per dezajno.

The People of Visuali Exotica

Hey everyone.

Let's take a moment here.

You know, it's not every day you get to stand back and really look at what you've created.
But right now, in this moment, I'm doing just that. And I gotta say, it's pretty damn cool.

Visuali Exotica.

Sounds like something you'd stumble upon in a hidden alley in Tokyo, right?

But it's us.

It's what we made.


I'm not gonna stand here and try to be cool & shit about how we've changed the world.

That's not our style, amigo.

No Bueno.

But I will say this:

we've done something different.

Something that I believe matters.

Something Beautiful.

What started with relaxed sketches at Café Olimpico,
tossing ideas around, challenging the very perception of time and space,
turned into the start of something good.

We didn't know it then, but we were cooking,
oh we were cookin’ real good.

And look at us now. We've come together, combined our talents like Voltron.
We’ve taken bits and pieces from all over - a dash of Milan here, a sprinkle of Seoul there,
maybe a pinch of Cairo for good measure - and we've made something entirely new.
Something that feels like it's always been here, but also like it's from some wild, beautiful future.

As I look around our pyramid, and I see a bunch of people who didn't just think outside the box,
y’all went ahead and origami'd that box into something unrecognizable. And that's pretty special to me..

We've created something that lives and breathes. Something that's going to keep evolving, keep surprising us. And that's pretty cool.

So here's to us.

To Visuali Exotica.

To designing Art purely for the sake of it.

And hey, who knows?

Maybe someday, some kid's gonna stumble across what we've made and think,
"Wow, I want to do that." And the cycle'll start all over again.

For now, though?

Let's just enjoy this moment.

We've earned it.



Robert Sinclair Photography
Odious Love Vibes
Shanon Leigh Make~Up
Olesia Nedomvnyi SupaModel
Cleo Berger le modèle
Jahanzeb Hussain the Model

Djamila Sylla that model
Vania Sonhadora this model
Mahmoud Hamdy station
Odreii oh those sweet tunes
Jennifer Morrow smiles
Frederick Nduna Commanda

Panetta Coffee + Motivation
Claudio Coffee + TheRock
Carmino Coffee + Inspiration
Tomek Zemla perogies
Maude Gaudreau chocolat
John Vannelli Coffee + Home

Sofia: "oh hey Giulia! Che spettacolo! Hai visto quel vestito fatto di... cosa erano? Schermi LED?"

Giulia: "Sì! E quel completo che cambiava colore con la luce? Pazzesco! Ma come farò a indossare quella roba per andare al supermercato?"

Sofia: (ridendo) "Magari al Carrefour di mezzanotte! Comunque, hai notato come il designer sembrava nervoso alla fine?"

Giulia: "Davvero? Ero troppo concentrata su quelle scarpe con i tacchi anti-gravità. Come si cammina con quelle?"

Sofia: "Boh, forse è per quello che tutte le modelle sembravano sul punto di cadere! Oh, guarda chi sta venendo verso di noi..."

Giulia: "Chi? Oh no, è quella stron... ehm, signora che ci ha zittito prima!"

Sofia: (sussurrando) "Fai finta di niente. Magari non ci ha visto."

La donna: (avvicinandosi) "Scusate, voi due..."

Sofia e Giulia: (in coro, nervose) "Sì?"

Stephen Saw Wee bit of laughs
Jason Grimmer Toomuchhaha
Bruno Royére Wisdom
Tim Das The Hot Sauce
Harry Drakopoulos OTH
Pizza Toni Falafel Yoni Yummy

La donna: "Volevo solo farti sapere che... sono la nuova direttrice creativa della prossima collezione Visuali Exotica e ho sentito i tuoi commenti durante lo show. Erano esattamente il tipo di feedback che cercavo. Ti piacerebbe unirti al nostro team come consulente?"

Sofia e Giulia: (scioccate, si guardano l'un l'altra)

Sofia: (balbettando) "Ma... ma lei non era arrabbiata con noi per aver parlato?"

La donna: (sorridendo) "Al contrario. La vostra spontaneità è esattamente ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno. Allora, che ne dite?"

Giulia: (ancora incredula) "Io... noi... Sì! Certo che sì!"

Sofia: "Aspetta, questo significa che potremo avere quelle scarpe anti-gravità?"

La donna: (ridendo) "Vedremo. Prima dovrete imparare a camminarci!"

Adriana Palanca Boh!
Tanja Brokmeyer Only da best
Rafael leBaron le Courage
Ed Manis Absolutely Nothing.
Bassem Gad The Cobtan life
Hassan Gull Retouching