Humanoid: Zk'thal, 見つかってしまったの? L'opération est-elle compromise?

Alien: Nyet, comrade-זַיין. Notre זהות reste שמור. Los humanos son זאַלבע-blind como siempre.

Humanoid: Gut. この「Visuali Exotica」は完璧な Tarnung. Ninguno سيشك أن estamos harvesting ihre Kreativität.

Alien: Cierto. ¿But por qué この specific Veranstaltung? 他の shows waren menos... كيف تقول... 派手?

Humanoid: Simple, mein Freund. Plus c'est extravagant, plus c'est facile de cacher notre véritable objectif. これは perfect cover for the פּאָרטאַל.

Alien: Ah, なるほど. And the Virgo Mangosteen?

Humanoid: Eine brillante Idee. It's laced with nano-בינערס that attune les cerveaux humains to our frequency. 彼らは気づかないうちに our agents になっている.

Alien: Zk'thorak! That's 素晴らしい. When do we インプレメント phase זעקס?

Humanoid: Après le final show. The креативна energiya will be at その頂点. Perfect for הויבן the veil between dimensions.

Alien: Understood. I'll inform the צפון fleet. They'll be ready to début their... 'collection'.

Humanoid: Excellent. この惑星 will never know what hit them. Fashion week? More like invasion שבוע.

Alien: Zk'loth og thal, my friend. May our tentacles always be 光沢がある and our slime trails エレガント.

Humanoid: And may our disguises never פאַרשווינדן. Now, let's rejoin la festa before we're missed. これ以上 suspicion を招かないように.

Agent K: (deadpan) Well, well. Looks like someone took a wrong turn at the catwalk.

Viewer: (stammering) I... I didn't mean to... I was just looking for the bathroom and...

Agent K: (interrupting) Save it, slick. You've just stumbled into a situation that's more 'out of this world' than any fashion show could ever be.

Viewer: (nervously) Those weren't really aliens, right? This is just some avant-garde performance art or something?

Agent K: (sighs) You know, most days I'd agree with you. But in this case, the truth is stranger than fashion. (pulls out his neuralyzer) Now, if you'll just look right here...

Viewer: (panicking) Wait! You can't just erase my memory! This is huge! Aliens at a fashion show? It's like... like...

Agent K: (with a hint of a smirk) Like a plot from a bad sci-fi movie? Yeah, we get that a lot. (adjusts the neuralyzer) Don't worry, you won't miss these memories. We're doing you a favor. Fashion shows are confusing enough without throwing extraterrestrial invasions into the mix.

Viewer: But—

Agent K: (cuts them off) Tell you what. When you wake up, you'll remember having the time of your life at Visuali Exotica. You saw amazing designs, rubbed elbows with celebrities, and even came up with a brilliant idea for a new fashion line. It'll be a night to remember... just not this particular part of it.

Viewer: (resigned) I don't suppose I have a choice?

Agent K: 'Fraid not, kid. Fashion waits for no one, and neither does intergalactic security. (raises the neuralyzer) Now, why don't you smile for the camera?

(A bright flash engulfs the scene)

Agent K: (to the now-dazed viewer) Alright, sport. Off you go. I hear they're serving more of that Virgo Mangosteen stuff in the main hall. Trust me, you don't want to miss it. It's out of this world.

(Agent K gently guides the confused viewer back towards the party, then turns to address an unseen companion)

Agent K: Alright, Zk'thal. as you guys were, business as usual …