You stand back in the atrio, now eerily quiet compared to the earlier bustle. They're staring at a slowly rotating holographic sculpture, speaking softly to themselves.

You: (muttering) Singularity room... multiple realities... art becoming life... Was any of it real? All of it? None of it?

(They shake their head, trying to clear it)

You: (continuing) And Andy Warhol... how could he have been here? It doesn't make any sense, and yet...

(A tall, striking woman in an avant-garde outfit that seems to shimmer and change color approaches)

Model: (with a slight smile) Trying to make sense of it all?

Visitor: (startled) Oh! I... yes, I suppose I am. You were in the show, weren't you? That dress that looked like it was made of starlight?

Model: (nodding) That's right. I'm Cleo. And you look like you've had quite the Visuali Exotica experience.

Visitor: (laughing nervously) You could say that. I'm not even sure what I saw in there. It was all so... impossible.

Cleo: (leaning in conspiratorially) Can I let you in on a little secret? None of us are ever quite sure what happens during a Visuali Exotica show. It's different for everyone.

You: (surprised) Really? But you were part of it. You were there, on the runway...

Cleo: (her eyes twinkling) Was I? Or was that just one version of me? In Visuali Exotica, reality is... fluid.

You: (excited) Yes! That's what And-- (catches themselves) I mean, that's what I felt. Like anything was possible. But how? How does it work?

Cleo: (shrugging elegantly) If we knew that, it wouldn't be Visuali Exotica. It would just be another fashion show. The mystery is part of the magic.

Visitor: (frustrated) But none of this makes sense! The physics, the impossibilities, Andy War--

Cleo: (interrupting gently) Who says it has to make sense? Art doesn't. Fashion doesn't. Why should Visuali Exotica?

You: (sighing) I suppose you're right. But what do I do now? How do I go back to normal life after this?

Cleo: (smiling mysteriously) Who says you do? Maybe the real question is: how will you bring a bit of Visuali Exotica into your everyday world?

(A soft chime sounds, and Cleo looks up)

Cleo: Ah, that's my cue. It was lovely chatting with you. Oh, and one last thing...

(She leans in close, whispering)

Cleo: The next time you look in a mirror, look closely. You might just see a bit of starlight in your eyes.

(Cleo walks away, her dress seeming to dissolve into motes of light as she disappears around a corner)

You: (calling after her) Attends! I still have questions!

(But Cleo is gone, leaving the visitor alone in the atrio, still full of questions but now with a spark of something new in their eyes)